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Dan Gibson, D. William Gibson


DESCRIPCIÓN DEL PRODUCTO RESEÑA DEL EDITOR Specially designed for SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc), but playable on any standard CD player, Songbirds: A Surround Sound Experience will completely transform any living space -- immersing listeners in the melodious world of songbirds. With 64 times the clarity, depth and audio resolution of a traditional CD, and featuring true 5.1 high-resolution surround sound, this Solitudes® SACD is an audio experience like no other. It really is the next best thing to being there. CRÍTICAS Lista de canciones: 1. Robin And Vesper Sparrow 2. Bobolink And Eastern Meadowlark 3. House Finch And Indigo Bunting 4. Song Sparrow And Baltimore Oriole 5. Swainson's Thrush And Scarlet Tanager 6. Winter Wren And Canada Warbler 7. Red-Breasted Grosbeak And Chestnut-Sided Warbler 8. Wood Thrush And American Goldfinch 9. Ovenbird And Brown Thrasher 10. Hermit Thrush And Red-Eyed Vireo 11. Yellowthroat And Olive-Sided Flycatcher 12. Red-Winged Blackbird 13. Northern Waterthrush 14. White-Throated Sparrow.

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