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Return to Essence: How to Be in The Flow And Fulfill Your Life's Purpose
Return to Essence: How to Be in The Flow And Fulfill Your Life's Purpose
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Lake, Gina
You cannot be fulfilled by someone else’s life purpose; you can only be fulfilled by yours. You won’t find out what that is by listening to the mind, because it doesn’t know. Only by paying attention to what is coming out of the flow and letting that lead you through your life will you fulfill your life’s purpose. Return to Essence will help you do that, and in so doing, it will help you be happy. We are meant to be happy!Return to Essence describes how to get into the flow and live your life from there. Being in the flow and not being in the flow are two very different states. One is dominated by the ego-driven mind, which is the cause of suffering, while the other is the domain of Essence, the Divine within each of us. You are meant to live in the flow. The flow is the experience of Essence—your true self—as it lives life through you and fulfills its purpose for this life. Return to Essence explains what the flow is, how it feels, and what you find there. It also explains what keeps you out of the flow; how action, talking, knowing, and choosing come out of the flow; how to discover where the flow is going; and how to find and fulfill your life's purpose. “The moment—the now—is like a river, which carries you forward, ever-changing and ever moving. You either flow with this now or reject it and fight it, but that doesn’t stop the flow; it only determines your experience of it: whether you will enjoy life or not. When you glide along with the flow, the experience is joyous, as you are able to experience the Source’s joy in the moment it has created. When you fight the flow, you experience tension, anger, and dis-ease.”